{ "Header": { "title": "Proxy Raye", "description": "A proxy for porn websites", "disclaimer_0": "Genital sexuality is only one of the many possible conceptions of sexuality", "disclaimer_1": "Platform capitalism makes money on desire flow. Proxies avoid this to happen.", "disclaimer_2": "Platform capitalism is narcissism-driven", "disclaimer_3": "Pornhub annoying elements (like ads) are put there intentionally to make you upgrade to premium", "disclaimer_4": "You're going to masturbate on someone else's imaginary", "disclaimer_5": "No banners or annoying popups. You can jerk off with no hassle!", "disclaimer_6": "You're choosing image over imagination. What if they're not in antithesis?" }, "NotFound": { "uh_oh": "Uh Oh...", "something_wrong": "Something went wrong :|", "back_to_home": "Back to homepage" }, "Search": { "placeholder": "categories, pornostars, etc...", "submit": "Search" }, "Settings": { "lang_title": "Please select language", "lang_it": "Italian", "lang_en": "English", "settings_title": "Settings", "platform_title": "Platform:", "orientation_title": "Orientation:" }, "Results": { "query": "Search results for: {{ query }}", "toggle": "Show preview", "noData": "No videos found :(" } }